IGNITE Coaching
for mind, body, and spirit
You can unveil your capacity to ignite your inner spark! Together we’ll discover the right methods and tools you need to light the flame. In IGNITE coaching sessions, you’ll become energized and feel renewed with excitement about your life’s journey.
IGNITE Coaching Process
Together we can create your individualized plan to begin living a more fulfilling and joyful life. We will discover your purpose, fill your toolbox and chart the roadmap for your journey! Begin to live the life you imagine. Attain renewed energy and enthusiasm! Discover your purpose through self realization.
Let’s Chat!
Let’s talk about you!
In our first bi-weekly session, I want you to share your story with me. I want to hear your thoughts, ideas, and visions. What are your dreams? What is it that you most desire for yourself? Where are you putting your focus?
We’ll review your health history, habits, and desired goals. We’ll discuss the ways you can reach goals with strength, clarity, and energy.
Create a Roadmap!
After we get a good sense of where you’ve been and where you’d like to be, we’ll develop your individualized roadmap. We’ll plot out the turn by turn actions that will lead you to the achievement of your goals. You will put all you desire for yourself on the map!
Fill your Toolbox!
To prepare for this journey, we will assemble a custom healthy habit toolbox designed to meet your needs for wellness goals along the way!
The tools will include holistic practices for healing and nurturing the whole self. The holistic practices will include creative exercises for things like forming new healthy habits, developing quality relationships, gaining new insights and experiencing renewed energy.
Let’s go!
Once you have your map and tools, you’ll be ready to take action. You’ll create a daily ritual or routine to apply between our sessions. These new healthy habits and behaviors will help drive you to the next stop toward your final goals. Reaching each milestone is essential to your success, so you will be held accountable and supported in moving forward.
You’ve Reached Your Destination
This brave journey will propel you forward with a new mindset, acquired healthy habits and knowledge about the inner workings of what drives you to achieve your personal goals.
The Journey
There are many roadmaps and ways to travel throughout the journey of life. Let’s discuss your plans and discover the ways to get you heading in the direction towards achieving your personal goals and dreams.
Let’s set the date and get started!
Your journey starts with one spark, your desire to acquire a mindset and vision to propel forward towards your personal goals.
Let’s chat and set the date to meet at the starting line!
Are you ready to begin the journey towards your healthy, passionate and purposeful life?
We can IGNITE your inner power!
Let’s begin with a 30 minute conversation and discuss creating your individualized action plan!
“There are many destinations on our journey through life, we have many directions to choose from and many miles to cover”
Dorene Rose